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Three generations of geological, geophysical and geochemical experience power Grandview Gold exploration programs in the Americas.

Grandview Geologists

Paul Sarjeant

Paul Sarjeant - B.Sc., P.Geo, President & Chief Executive Officer

After graduating B.Sc Honours, Geological Sciences from Queen's University in 1983, Mr. Sarjeant began his career with Echo Bay Mines Ltd as a project geologist exploring for gold deposits in Archean greenstone belts in the NWT. Additional assignments at Echo Bay included managing exploration activities adjacent to the Lupin Gold Mine as well as underground mapping and sampling stints, and managing exploration projects on skarn deposits in BC and Ecuador. He ascended to Senior Geologist, International Exploration Group, responsible for project evaluation outside of North America, including precious and base metals projects in South America, East Africa, South East Asia, Russia, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

From 1993 until 1996, he was President and CEO of Auric Resources - a precious metals exploration company focused on Peru. From 1999 until his October, 2006 appointment to the office of President of Grandview Gold, Paul operated a successful securities business focused on strategic planning and investment analysis. His Certified Financial Planner experience gives him unique insight into the needs of institutional and retail broker investment communities.

Michael Hitch

Michael Hitch - PhD. P. Geo, Director

Dr. Hitch has over 20 years of experience in the minerals sector and has been a senior executive with major mining companies around the world including AngloGold Ashanti Limited and Echo Bay Mines Ltd.

Dr. Hitch has many years of experience building and financing junior resource companies. In his role as consultant to TSX-listed Golden China Resources Corp, Dr. Hitch focused on gold exploration and development, and merchant banking in the evolving precious metals industry of the People's Republic of China. Previously, he held positions as mining analyst for Clarus Securities Inc and Octagon Capital Corporation, and served as VP corporate Development for Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., Anglogold Ashanti, Echo Bay Mines Ltd, and Teck Cominco. Dr. Hitch's vast experience and extensive industry contacts are major assets as the company moves forward. Dr. Hitch holds a Master's degree in Geology and a Ph.D. in Environmental and Resource Studies and is currently an Assistant Professor with the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering at the University Of British Columbia.

Peter Born

Dr. Peter Born - P.Geo, Director

Dr. Born is a highly respected senior geologist with over 30 years experience exploring and evaluating mining properties for senior and junior Canadian and US resource companies. Dr. Born worked extensively in Archean greenstone terrains (especially the Abitibi belt) in Ontario, Quebec and other greenstone belts in Northwest Territories. He has modeled/explored gold systems/alteration halos in both iron formation gold deposits as well as Timmins vein type deposits. Therefore he is intimately familiar with the opportunities present for Grandview in the exploration and development of the Red Lake Ontario and Rice Lake Manitoba greenstone belts.

Dr. Born has past experience as Senior Geologist and then Resource Geologist for Western Mining (WMC International Ltd) as well as modeling the geology/mineralization at the Aquarius ore body (Timmins) for Echo Bay Mines. As a Resource Geologist, Peter dealt extensively with QA/QC issues with respect to data handling, data integrity, resource auditing, error assessment and uncertainty in generating both ore reserves and geological models. His PhD thesis includes an extensive study of the geological environment for the Timmins Gold camp (65 million oz. of gold). During his PhD studies he was a three time recipient of Canada's prestigious National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Post-Graduate Scholarship (1991-1993). He was one of the authors/leaders for the Geological Association of Canada Field Guide: Controls for Gold Mineralization in the Southern Abitibi Greenstone belt. Trip 3B Guidebook, (1999). He is currently working from his Ottawa-based consulting firm for select Canadian and US resource companies.

Consulting Geologists

Monte M. Swan - B.Sc. G.E. M.Sc. - Consulting Geologist

Mr. Swan received a BSc. degree in Geological Engineering from Michigan Technological University and a MSc. degree in Geology from the University of Arizona. He began his career as a research geologist for Kennecott's Geological Research Group and as an exploration geologist for Newmont Mining Company at the time of their initial major gold discoveries in Nevada.

In 1983 he co-founded MagmaChem Exploration, Inc with Stan Keith for the purpose of developing a chemical classification of igneous rocks and mineral deposits to lower the risk of exploration. He built a client base to fund this work that has included virtually all the major mining and oil and gas companies. The $100 million invested over the years by these clients in the development and testing of the MagmaChem approach resulted in the development of exploration tools that have directly contributed to the discovery of 18 mineral deposits on 3 continents, having a total gold and copper metal value of $60 billion.

Over the years Monte has continued to spend time in the field mapping, sampling, and targeting ore deposits as well as managing drill projects. He has development large exploration databases for Mexico, British Columbia, the Western US, and Eastern Canada. He is an adjunct professor and a published author.

Stanley B. Keith - B.Phil, M. Sc. - Consulting Geologist

Mr. Keith began his career as state geologist for the Arizona Geological Survey and geological mapper for Kennecott's Geological Research Group. In 1979 Exxon Research funded him to research and develop his ideas about ore-forming processes.

In 1983 he co-founded MagmaChem Exploration Inc. as its President for the purpose of developing a chemical classification of igneous rocks and mineral deposits to lower the risk of exploration. The $100 million invested over the years by both mineral industry and oil and gas companies in the development and testing of the MagmaChem approach resulted in the creation of exploration tools that have directly contributed to the discovery of eighteen mineral deposits on three continents, with a total gold and copper metal value of over $60 billion at today's commodity prices.

Mr. Keith has presented and published hundreds of geological papers and is a member and has served as an executive for numerous professional mining associations.

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